Java Runtime Environment

Java is a programming language term with the symbol of Javanese coffee is indeed said he terinsporasi of Java coffee. This programming language is not a programming language, Java is the language of the world's most popular pemrogramanan used more than 800 million desktops, 3 billion mobile devices and about 6 million developers around the world.

Java Runtime Environment is popular plugins that can be said to be second only to Adobe Flash. This plugin allows you to interact better with the items on the internet.

As a programming language, Java - like any other programming languages ​​- can make all forms of application, desktop, web and others. Java is a language-oriented programming (OOP) and you can run on various operating system platforms. The development of Java is not only focused on one operating system, but developed for a variety of operating systems and is open source.

Back to the main topic, the Java Runtime Environment or JRA is one of the technologies developed in the artificial oracle and oracle as well. With this JRE, you may be possible to run applications called "applets" written in the Java-based programming discussed. With this applet, and then allow you or anyone to feel the experience is more impressive than simply interacting with static HTML pages.

If you want to compare, this plugin point similar to Adobe Flash Player

Many applications that run on either Windows, Mac or Linux that requires java to function and be used properly. A simple example: when you want to upload your photos to social networking sites like Facebook, your computer will first have installed the JRE, if not, then you will be prompted for it. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is compatible with virtually all computer hardware and software.

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